Contact information

If you have any questions about this website or if you want to register, do not hesitate and simply send us a message via the form. We will contact you no later than the next working day.

Available 24/7 in case of emergency: +31653169871
Our assistent is available at: 020 6151047

  • Monday 09:00-13:30
  • Tuesday 09:00-13:30
  • Thursday 09:00-13:30



Midwifery practice Nieuw-west & Badhoevedorp (located in Medical Center West)

Pieter Calandlaan 101
1065 KK Amsterdam

Consultation hours

Monday 09.00-17.00

Tuesday 09.00-1700   

Thursday 09.00-17.00

Friday 09:00-13:00

Medisch Centrum de Badhoeve

Zeemanlaan 20
1171BD Badhoevedorp

Consultation hours

Tuesday  09.00-12.30

Affiliated with